Hey guys!!! A very good morning/afternoon/evening/ night.
We had a hectic day at our clinic today. Since my husband and myself own a clinic and work together, the time we spend is much more than the usual couple. Both of us support each other morally and physically if one of us gets tired.
A hug with love and a KISS with emotion is all that we need.
I thought of writing a blog on this when I got a cheesy mossy kiss from my Hubby boy. 😛
Do You Need to
Think Twice before kissing your partner find out below!!
Hey guys!!! A very good morning/afternoon/evening/ night.
We had a hectic day at our clinic today. Since my husband and myself own a clinic and work together, the time we spend is much more than the usual couple. Both of us support each other morally and physically if one of us gets tired.
A hug with love and a KISS with emotion is all that we need.
I thought of writing a blog on this when I got a cheesy mossy kiss from my Hubby boy. 😛
Do You Need to
Think Twice before kissing your partner find out below!!
1. History behind KISS
From Anthropological studies, it is believed that kiss is an instinctual and intuitive act, having evolved from activities like suckling, premastication, or checking the health of a potential mate via inspecting their saliva, and the other believing that it is a learned behavior, spread by European explorer.
It is also believed that mothers weaned their babies by chewing up their food and then passing it to their babies by lip-to-lip contact.
This I how the kiss came into the mother earth.

1. History behind KISS
From Anthropological studies, it is believed that kiss is an instinctual and intuitive act, having evolved from activities like suckling, premastication, or checking the health of a potential mate via inspecting their saliva, and the other believing that it is a learned behavior, spread by European explorer.
It is also believed that mothers weaned their babies by chewing up their food and then passing it to their babies by lip-to-lip contact.
This I how the kiss came into the mother earth.

2. What happens during the act of a kiss?
Kiss is an action, that is usually done to express the feeling of love, affection, friendship, good luck, goodbye, happiness, sorrow, etc.
Kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. It’s often referred to as the “love hormone,” because it stirs up feelings of affection and attachment.
Women experience a flood of oxytocin during childbirth and breastfeeding, strengthening the mother-child bond.
Dopamine is released when you do something that feels good, like kissing and spending time with someone you’re attracted to.
This and other “happy hormones” make you feel giddy and euphoric. The more you get of these hormones, the more your body wants them.
Along with the oxytocin and dopamine that make you feel affection and euphoria, kissing releases serotonin — another feel-good chemical.
It also lowers cortisol levels so you feel more relaxed, making for a good time all around.

2. What happens during the act of a kiss?
Kiss is an action, that is usually done to express the feeling of love, affection, friendship, good luck, goodbye, happiness, sorrow, etc.
Kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. It’s often referred to as the “love hormone,” because it stirs up feelings of affection and attachment.
Women experience a flood of oxytocin during childbirth and breastfeeding, strengthening the mother-child bond.
Dopamine is released when you do something that feels good, like kissing and spending time with someone you’re attracted to.
This and other “happy hormones” make you feel giddy and euphoric. The more you get of these hormones, the more your body wants them.
Along with the oxytocin and dopamine that make you feel affection and euphoria, kissing releases serotonin — another feel-good chemical.
It also lowers cortisol levels so you feel more relaxed, making for a good time all around.

3. Biological advantages of kissing
It lowers cortisol level, thereby reducing stress.
Kissing increases your heart rate in a way that dilates your blood vessels.
When your blood vessels dilate, your blood flow increases and cause an immediate decrease in your blood pressure. So this means, kissing is good for the heart.
As the blood flow increases, it reduces the menstrual cramps as well.
The act of kissing can involve anywhere from 2 to 34 facial muscles.
This may help firm up your facial muscles.
Working out your facial muscles can also increase collagen production, which contributes to firmer, younger-looking skin.
The more you kiss, the more you are tightening your facial muscles.
It’s almost like a work out for your facial muscles by burning 2-26 calories per minute.

3. Biological advantages of kissing
It lowers cortisol level, thereby reducing stress.
Kissing increases your heart rate in a way that dilates your blood vessels.
When your blood vessels dilate, your blood flow increases and cause an immediate decrease in your blood pressure. So this means, kissing is good for the heart.
As the blood flow increases, it reduces the menstrual cramps as well.
The act of kissing can involve anywhere from 2 to 34 facial muscles.
This may help firm up your facial muscles.
Working out your facial muscles can also increase collagen production, which contributes to firmer, younger-looking skin.
The more you kiss, the more you are tightening your facial muscles.
It’s almost like a work out for your facial muscles by burning 2-26 calories per minute.

4. How many of you know that a kiss can cause Dental cavity???
When you are smooching/kissing with your partner who has gum disease, they can transfer bacteria that can have a pretty bad effect on your own oral health.
Some bacteria can also introduce acids into the mouth that contribute to building cavities, as well as bad breath.

4. How many of you know that a kiss can cause Dental cavity???
When you are smooching/kissing with your partner who has gum disease, they can transfer bacteria that can have a pretty bad effect on your own oral health.
Some bacteria can also introduce acids into the mouth that contribute to building cavities, as well as bad breath.

5. Think twice before you kiss your partner
Kissing is a small but significant health risk.
Common cold can immediately spread through a small kiss.
Kissing might cause a cold sore( a small boil like thing near the lip border ) from your partner, by the spread of oral herpes.
It can also facilitate the transmission of food allergies and drug allergies.
It can lead to sexually transmitted infections like HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, etc.
HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva but can be spread through blood, which might be present during inflammation of gums.
It is also proved that even the DNA composition of saliva can change by a kiss.

5. Think twice before you kiss your partner
Kissing is a small but significant health risk.
Common cold can immediately spread through a small kiss.
Kissing might cause a cold sore( a small boil like thing near the lip border ) from your partner, by the spread of oral herpes.
Kissing might facilitate the transmission of viral infections, such as influenza, herpes simplex viruses and infectious mononucleosis.
It can also facilitate the transmission of food allergies and drug allergies.
HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva but can be spread through blood, which might be present during inflammation of gums.
It is also proved that even the DNA composition of saliva can change by a kiss.

6. Bottom line
But on the other side, you have to make sure that your partner is not a victim of any disease.
Communicate well with your partner, so that you know more about him/her.
Insist your partner on having a dental check-up once you notice bad breath during the act of kissing.
Both of you can have a dental check-up so that he/she is not cornered.
Always have an eye on any habits or symptoms of your partner, so that both of you can rule out the issue and live happily and safely.
Your partner may lose interest in kissing you if you have a very bad oral hygiene and bad odor.
Simple dental visit once in 6 months can avoid such situations in your life.
As we all know about the COVID-19, which is ruling the world right now, it is better to avoid such acts with an unknown person or with a person who is infected.
Click here to know more about COVID-19
Stay happy and stay healthy.

6. Bottom line
But on the other side, you have to make sure that your partner is not a victim of any disease.
Communicate well with your partner, so that you know more about him/her.
Insist your partner on having a dental check-up once you notice bad breath during the act of kissing.
Both of you can have a dental check-up so that he/she is not cornered.
Always have an eye on any habits or symptoms of your partner, so that both of you can rule out the issue and live happily and safely.
Your partner may lose interest in kissing you if you have a very bad oral hygiene and bad odor.
Simple dental visit once in 6 months can avoid such situations in your life.
As we all know about the COVID-19, which is ruling the world right now, it is better to avoid such acts with an unknown person or with a person who is infected.
Click here to know more about COVID-19
Stay happy and stay healthy.